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Welcome to the JSCA Membership Application Form

Annual Membership Dues are $150/person

The membership period is from July 1 through June 30

New members who join between January 1 and June 15, can join at a reduced rate of $75.  When joining, please use discount code MBRDISCNT to get the reduced rate.

For more information or any problems with the online process, please contact Service@JSCAsheville.org             Include your phone number and we will call to assist you.  

The JSCA has several committees that are looking for active participants. Please review the descriptions provided [HERE] and indicate with a check on the membership form any that may be of interest to you.

Standard JSCA Member$150.00 (USD), prorated to $50.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st No automatically recurring payments

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This could be the beginning of a great relationship.

Or you can mail us at


PO Box 8072

Asheville, NC 28814

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